Freddy’s Revenge has become known more for its not-so-subtle subtext than for its qualifications as a valid entry in the Nightmare on Elm Street series, but is it any good for either of those reasons?
Listen as chris and Joey dive deep into the original A Nightmare on Elm Street in part one of a ten part retrospective covering every movie in the Nightmare franchise!
March seems light on straight-up horror movies, but there are definitely a few other genre films of interest coming out.
The Turning is a movie that really made me think about what I do and don’t like about haunted house movies. Find out why in my review of this latest film adaptation of The Turn of the Screw!
What’s coming to theaters, wide and limited, in January 2020!
Underwater is a shining and worthwhile example of a sub-genre of monster movies that hasn’t seen mainstream popularity for more than two decades. Why does it work so well? Find out in the latest episode of The Last Theater!
Is this new version of The Grudge, the sort-of second remake of the Japanese original, worth releasing into the world about a decade after all of the American J-horror remakes seemed to fade away?
What’s coming to theaters, wide and limited, in January 2020!
The second remake of Black Christmas has some admirable goals and intended messages, but did it succeed in creating an entertaining and socially aware slasher movie in the tradition of the original?
Is Countdown a real movie, or is it just an assemblage of movie-like scenes meant to be a conveyance for a new app? Find out in the latest episode of The Last Theater with a review and some light analysis of Countdown!